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Chemingineering | Wonder Material

  Almost everyone uses the first 2D material graphene extensively, without knowing the wonders of the material. This material is admired by the scientific community...

Chemingineering- Collaborative Robots

The first reference to robots in the modern sense comes from the 1920 play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Czech writer Karel Čapek. The...

Chemingineering – Sustainability by Design

The new “Sustainability by Design” concept proposed by EU will transform the global chemical industry. The innovative framework aims to improve product safety, reduce...

Chemingineering | Measuring Sustainability

  Our columnist, Sahasranaman, looks at various metrics and indices to measure and rank sustainability. Though easy to understand qualitatively, sustainability is too complex to...

Chemingineering | Closing Window

This month, our columnist examines a burning issue - the rising emissions of Greenhouse Gases and the consequent global warming that is threatening to...

Chemingineering | The Future Fuel

  This month our columnist takes a look at some recent advances in Hydrogen Fuel Cells, which are likely to power our vehicles in the...

Chemingineering | Nano Fertilisers

Few years from now, fertilisers could turn from commodities to knowledge chemicals. Our columnist takes a peek into the world of Nanofertilisers, which promise...

Chemingineering- The Advent of AI

AI has made rapid inroads into the way we conduct our lives and business. Yet, this is only the tip of the iceberg. While...

Chemingineering | The Plastic Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the public perception of plastic, promoting its profligate use. Overnight it has been transformed from a muchmaligned villain to...

Chemingineering | Carbon Nanotubes – The unfulfilled Promise

Nearly 3 decades after its discovery, the much-hyped Carbon Nanotubes have failed to live up to its potential. Our columnist examines the reasons for...


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