
Rajiv Gandhi Centre For Biotechnology 

Rolling Advertisement For faculty Scientist Positions

The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is an autonomous national institute of the Government of India, Ministry for Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology. The mandate of the institute is discovery, innovation, and translation in biotechnology and disease biology.
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) invites applications for the following positions of Faculty Scientists:
1. Scientist C (Number of positions — 3)
2. Scientist El (Number of positions — 2)
3. Scientist Ell (Number of positions — 3)
4. Scientist F (Number of positions —1)
Complete details including minimum qualifications, experience, age limit, and profile of work are posted on the institute website: Eligible and interested scientists can submit their applications, in the prescribed format available on the RGCB website along with a proposed research plan (2 pages) with detailed resume/curriculum vitae and attested copies of all necessary certificates, experience certificates and other supporting documents on or before June 30, 2019 by either email as a PDF to: or hard copy to: DIRECTOR, RAJIV GANDHI CENTRE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY, POOJAPPURA, THYCAUD P.O., THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695 014, KERALA, INDIA. Call for applications will remain open till the vacancies are filled. The applications will be accepted throughout the year and will be scrutinized and evaluated in three batches. The last date for receipt of applications for each quarter is June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st.