Chemical Industry Digest – May Issue 2020


Challenges in Maintaining Chemical Plant Health in Optimum Conditions
– Punit Makharia- Shree Pushkar Chemical and Fertilisers Ltd.
With the complexity of chemical processes and of chemical equipment, minimizing and avoiding the failure of equipment is very crucial. The author says that today scientific maintenance and, in particular, predictive maintenance management is important to ensure that chemical operations go on without breakdowns.

Challenges and Solutions in Fluoropolymers (PTFE) Lined Chemical Equipment Corrosion Management
– Narendra Thakkar, Resistotech Industries
Chemical Industries handle some of the most corrosive substances in its manufacturing. So equipment can get destroyed through corrosion, engineers employ various techniques, one of which is lining the equipment with corrosion resistant polymers such as fluoropolymers for instance.
This article based on expertise and competencies developed by Resistotech Industries elaborates on the importance of all the knowledge on all technical aspects of fluoropolymers which will help in its proper selection and usage.

A Theory of Management and (perhaps) Life! 
– V Sivaramakrishnan
While there are many successful people in all walks of life and equally many management theories expounded by leading experts, the author says that finally to be successful, there is no alternative to street-level smartness and earthy common sense, which in a humorous vein he dubs it as a fine combination of stuff, bluff and fluff. Not to be missed reading.

Solutions to Industrial Problems
– Raghava Chari
The author has provided various solutions related to real-life industry problems he found in his 45 years of operational experience in process plants. In this feature, problems related to inlet valves, seal leaks in pumps,safety valves, reformer RFG, etc. are covered

Techniques They Never Teach in B-Schools 
– K Narayanan
Simply put what this article says is that theory and practice are two different things. While business schools abound with latest management techniques and theories, finally what makes the difference for success is learning hands-on at the job. Very interestingly written in tongue-in-cheek style.

CEO’s Forum
As we face the COVID-19 pandemic threat that is sweeping beyond oceans and borders, it has adversely impacted the chemical and allied industries across the globe. Read inside for the views of a few industry captains on how this crisis is unfolding on the industry and their recommendations for industry revival, exclusively sought by Chemical Industry Digest

Chemingineering – A New Economic Order 
– K Sahasranaman, Independent Consultant
Post COVID-19, the world is not going to be the same again. Our columnist speculates on the shape of things that could emerge: changing global supply chain, retreating globalisation, resurgence of plastics, radical changes in health and wellness, speedier shift to renewables and so on.