Numaligarh Refinery to Triple Capacity by 2025

The expansion of the Numaligarh Refinery in Assam is progressing and is anticipated to be finished by early 2025. Upon completion, the refinery’s capacity will be increased to nine million tons per annum (MTPA).

The Numaligarh Refinery Expansion Project (NREP) encompasses the construction of a new refinery with a crude processing capacity of six MTPA, with an approved investment of ₹28,026 crore.

The initiative also includes establishing a crude oil import terminal at Paradip Port in Odisha and laying approximately 1,640 kilometres of pipelines to transport imported crude oil to Numaligarh. The pipelines will traverse five states and cross major rivers, including the Ganga, Jia Bharali, Subansiri, and Brahmaputra.

The refinery’s primary outputs are motor spirit (MS) and high-speed diesel (HSD) that meet BS-IV/VI standards. As reported by, the project features a 654 km product pipeline from Numaligarh to Siliguri, where the Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) operates its own marketing terminal for product distribution.