Solar Panel Producers Push for Trade Measures to Combat Import Influx

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Manufacturers of solar panel components are calling for trade protections to counteract a surge of imports, especially from China and Vietnam. The Solar Ancillary Manufacturers’ Association (SAMA), which advocates for this essential sector, has formally approached the government to request both tariff and non-tariff barriers aimed at reducing the influx of low-cost solar products. The appeal highlights the urgent need for measures against dumping practices that threaten local production capabilities.

Pradeep Kumar Kheruka, Director, SAMA and Chairman, Borosil Renewables Ltd., stressed the importance of establishing a level playing field for domestic producers. Kheruka said, “Wherever there’s a policy distortion, we need a corresponding correction”.

Despite significant growth in India’s solar module sector, local producers still depend heavily on imported raw materials. Currently, around 60% of the demand for solar glass is met through imports, prompting the association to seek the reintroduction of an anti-dumping duty on this critical component. The previous five-year duty, which lapsed in 2022, had reportedly spurred a remarkable seventeen-fold growth in the sector.

As reported by, to further boost domestic production, SAMA is advocating for mandatory local content requirements for module manufacturers, ensuring that a specified percentage of components are sourced domestically. The association is also urging the government to implement a quality certification process to elevate the standards of locally produced goods.