Union Finance Budget 2020-21 Industry Specific Snapshots
The second budget tabled in the parliament by Smt Nirmala Sitharaman focuses on issues that propels the growth of aspirational India. The budget presents...
How Chemical Companies Benefit from the Experience Economy
To feel or experience from a business engagement started with customer experience mainly in the consumer products business. Today it has extended to even...
Near Stagnation in the Growth of Indian Chemical Industry – Why? – What Remedy?
This article very succintly analyses what is amiss with the chemical industry in India, on why capacity building is not taking place despite the...
Waste to Chemicals
This article elaborates on how substantial reductions can be achieved if waste incineration is stopped. The mandatory requirements for blending of biofuels in the...
Carve-outs to drive chemical M&A amid headwinds
An uptick in corporate restructuring involving carve-outs ahead of a potential downturn is set to drive chemical mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity, even as...
Chemical Innovation: a new era of growth
We are living in a transformative world. Everything around us is changing at a very rapid space. This disruption has created new categories and...
Digital Disruption in the Lab: The Case for R&D Digitalization in Chemicals
The advent of Industry 4.0 recognizes the impact of paradigm shifting digitalization in the chemical industry. This article discusses the applications of various elements...
Dr. M.D. Nair – Fifty Years in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
If there is one industry in India that has earned a respectable prowess in R&D, compared to other chemical & allied industries, it is...