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Phosgenation – a unique unit process of industrial importance – Prof Shreerang Joshi

Abstract Phosgene, despite being a highly toxic chemical, is industrially an important chemical as its derivatives find myriad applications in many industries. However, its toxicity...

Ecology and Pumps – S L Abhyankar

Abstract Pumps play an important role in the industry. Efficient and optimal operation of pumps can address the problems of any leakages, emissions and also...

Safety in the Transportation of Hydrocarbons by Cross Country Pipelines – Prof. (Dr)....

Abstract This article discusses the importance of pipeline transportation of oil and gas in a modern economy and spells out the hazards associated with cross...

Digital Transformation of the Chemical Industry enables sustainable operations

Sustainability is not only in terms of complying with environmental regulations, reducing emissions etc. It calls for efficiencies across the entire value chain of...

Wastewater Valorisation – A sustainable approach for wastewater management – Vikram Dhumal

Abstract Waste is material which for some reason or the other we are not utilising back in our manufacturing processes. This article reviews how wastes...

Filling of powders into bags – Challenges and Solutions.

Filling of powdery bulk materials into bags is often a technical challenge. The reason is the capability of the materials to capture air between...

Noise Reduction In Control Valve – V. Murugappan, Sethumadhavan Vittal

Abstract In an industrial plant, it is important to restrict noise. It can cause irritation and prolonged exposure to higher decibles can be fatal. OSHA...

Prevent Purchase Requisition Pitfalls – S. Raghava Chari

Prepare Purchase Requisitions very carefully. Even the smallest error that often creeps in inadvertently could cost thousands of rupees by way of delayed deliveries,...

Handling Package Units – Balancing Act for the EPC Contractor Between Client and Vendor...

Abstract Different perspectives of handling package units from the client and the EPC contractor lead to differences and consequent delays. There has to be a...

Considerations for Extraction, Stabilization and Quantification by PCR for Sensitive Sample such as RNA

  Author: Andrew J. Birnie, Ph.D., is the global life sciences product manager for Cole-Parmer. He gained a Ph.D. in Veterinary Parasitology in 2008 from the University of Glasgow...



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