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How Chemical Companies Can Benefit Through ERP?

Introduction Across all sectors and industries, today’s business environment doesn’t leave any room for stagnation and staleness. In fact, businesses not in a state of...

India’s Advantages in Specialty Chemicals Manufacturing, Both for the Domestic Market and Globally

Introduction Chemicals are essential for the production of myriad consumer and industrial products. The industry greatly influences our safe water supply, food, shelter, clothing, health...

Role of Membrane Technology in Sustainable ‘Green’ Bio-Methanation Projects

Abstract Biogas, mainly methane, from municipal and other organic wastes, can be converted into a usable transportation and industrial fuels and as technological feasibility establishes,...

Articles Published During January – December 2021

Bibliography - Articles January 2021 - Annual 1. Global Energy Transition - Thomas Mathew, Reliance Technology Group of Reliance Industries Ltd; Antony Francis, Gasification Techno-logy-Centre of...

Choosing what Color of Hydrogen to use – An Analysis to Demystify the...

Ever since concerns of global warming, climate change due to green house gases emissions have gripped the world, industries have been looking at ways...

Manage Facilities More Efficiently Through the Industrial Internet of Things

Abstract Investment in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) can provide the means to correlate supply and demand with plant capabilities at various locations. Additionally,...

Industrial Cybersecurity Today

Abstract With widespread digitalisation of industry and business, plant wide internet interconnectedness across geographies, external cloud and so on, cybersecurity has become crucially important, and...

Chemical Process Safety and Risk Management: Designing Safer Plants and their Operation

Introduction During the lockdowns last year in their various incarnations, whether first covid wave or second wave and its lifting thereafter, partial or otherwise, too...

Will Hydrogen Prevent Global Climate Crisis – Hope Or Hype?

Green hydrogen is the most focused subject in the world today, as it is believed that the optimal utilisation of green hydrogen as feedstock and...

Reducing Carbon Footprint through Energy Efficient Industrial Pumps

In the industry sector alone motor-driven systems have been consuming the most electricity. Given this background and the insights from the recent Intergovernmental...



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