Columns & Blogs

Chemingineering | Nano Fertilisers

Few years from now, fertilisers could turn from commodities to knowledge chemicals. Our columnist takes a peek into the world of Nanofertilisers, which promise...

Chemingineering-Plasma Gasification

Plasma gasification is an innovative waste-to-energy technology that uses extremely high temperatures to convert organic materials, such as municipal solid waste, into syngas and...

Chemingineering – Supramolecules – Bridging Physics and Biology

Supramolecular chemistry is a field where non-covalent interactions between molecules are harnessed to construct fascinating chemical architectures with unique properties. Supramolecular chemistry holds immense...

Chemingineering | Silver Bullet

For the first time in history, the entire human race is confronted with a single common enemy – the virus causing COVID-19. Even as...

Chemingineering – Predictive Maintenance

Asset management is critical for improving operational efficiency and safety in the process industry. Predictive maintenance is a powerful data-driven approach to increase the...

Chemingineering-Nature’s Factory

The use of plant extracts as intermediaries in the synthesis of chemicals has given a new twist to the term – Chemical Plant. Phytochemicals...

Chemingineering | The Plastic Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the public perception of plastic, promoting its profligate use. Overnight it has been transformed from a muchmaligned villain to...

Chemingineering – Heat Pumps

This month’s column throws light on the record increase in sales of heat pumps and the surge of interest in this more than century...

ChemIngineering – War and Sustainability

The continuing war in Ukraine is having catastrophic consequences on the world energy markets. It is threatening to derail our ambitious journey towards Net...

ChemIngineering – R&D Redefined

The Stage-Gate process has evolved into a rigorous and robust tool for product development across industries. The Agile Manifesto borrowed from the software industry...


DCM Shriram


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