Columns & Blogs

Chemingineering | The Future Fuel

  This month our columnist takes a look at some recent advances in Hydrogen Fuel Cells, which are likely to power our vehicles in the...

Chemingineering | The 4th Revolution

  Our columnist presents Industry 4.0, which has the potential to transform the chemical industry in unimaginable ways. Though the principles are clear, the opportunities...

Chemingineering | Capturing Carbon

  This month, our columnist explains why Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is an important tool to mitigate Global Warming. The prohibitive costs of CCS...

Chemingineering | Compelling Chemistry

  This month, our columnist takes a peep into the intriguing world of Mechanochemistry, where chemical reactions are initiated by mechanical forces. Mechanochemical reactions are...

Chemingineering | Measuring Sustainability

  Our columnist, Sahasranaman, looks at various metrics and indices to measure and rank sustainability. Though easy to understand qualitatively, sustainability is too complex to...

Chemingineering | Managing Water

  In this month’s column, Sahasranaman builds a case for compulsory water audit along the lines of the energy audit. It would bring the necessary...

Chemingineering | War of Nerves

The month of April is important in the history of Chemical Weapons. This month, our columnist examines the close links between chemical weapons and...
petroleum refinery

Why no concern about the liquidation of petroleum refinery project in Cuddalore?

It is surprising that neither the Government of Tamilnadu nor the political parties or fringe groups in Tamilnadu have expressed concern that a six million...

Chemingineering | No Requiem for Plastics

This month our columnist examines the many advantages and applications of plastics and explains why its recycle is not easy. The recent Plastic Ban...

Role of Academia in Industrial Developments

The word ‘academic’ often has a pejorative implication. The contribution of generations of academics in the development and dissemination of scientific, engineering and technical...



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