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Magnetic Stirrer Bar with an Integrated Chemical Process Monitoring System

Automatic, remote data collection can make chemical processes more reliable, as well as less labor intensive and safer. Miniaturized computer systems and wireless technology...

Turning Waste Water Algae into Specialty Chemicals

Gen3Bio, a startup in Indiana, USA, have developed a unique way to transform algae used to purify municipal wastewater into specialty bio-based chemicals such...

Chemists Develop New Algorithm Which Predicts Compositions of New Materials

A team of RIKEN chemists have developed a new algorithm that can predict the compositions of new materials. They have designed a machine-learning algorithm that...

Researchers Develop New Biofuel System for H2 Production

A team of researchers at UNIST led by led by Professor Jungki Ryu in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering have developed new...

Nobel Prize 2019 – Highly Charged Achievement!

The Trio of Lithium-Ion Battery Discovery Wins Nobel in Chemistry The most coveted Nobel Prizes are known for awarding and recognizing scientific discoveries that have...

Professor G. D. Yadav – Outstanding academician and chemical engineering scientist

His contribution to chemical sciences and the chemical engineering profession is immense. As Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Chemical Technology, he has taken...

Iron – A workhorse of an element

From playing the role of a vital building block of steel to helping produce chlorophyll in plants and in carrying oxygen in the blood...

Viable Algae-based Biofuel Found

Fatty acid molecules containing oil can be extracted from microorganisms growing in water bodies to power diesel engines. Organisms such as microalgae are an...

James B. Sumner (1887–1955)

In 1917, when the pioneering American biochemist James Batcheller Sumner commenced his quest to isolate an enzyme, he had to grapple with a busy...

Helium – The noblest of gases

What do party balloons, space shuttles, MRI machines, and the Large Hadron Collider have in common? They all need helium. Whether in the gaseous...


DCM Shriram


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