Elements Matter

This is a new and unique feature on Elements which is now being regularly published every month. Behind every element are stories from how it was discovered, the scientists behind the element to the stories on its amazing developments and applications. This feature will bring you very interesting and not widely known nuggets behind every element.

Sodium: Violently explosive, yet essentially beneficial

The alkali metal sodium is so full of contradictions. Yes, it’s a metal. But, it’s one of those soft ones, about as soft as...

Iron – A workhorse of an element

From playing the role of a vital building block of steel to helping produce chlorophyll in plants and in carrying oxygen in the blood...

Lithium – Powering today’s technology

Once an element with limited known uses, today lithium, the first metal of the periodic table and also its lightest metal (density around half...

Hydrogen – In a class by itself!

Hydrogen. The most abundant and lightest element in the universe. Essential to life on earth as water. An important component of all organic compounds....

Helium – The noblest of gases

What do party balloons, space shuttles, MRI machines, and the Large Hadron Collider have in common? They all need helium. Whether in the gaseous...

Phosphorus – Critically life-essential, alarmingly poisonous

Aspooky element. That’s what phosphorus, the fifteenth element of the periodic table, is for many. In the early days after its discovery, some even...

Gallium – The smart metal

Guess what would happen if you held a small piece of the silvery metal gallium in your hand? In a few minutes, it would...


DCM Shriram


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