Chemical Industry Digest- August 2017


Articles covered in this issue:

1. What to do when specialty chemical business gets commoditised ?…..
Specialty chemicals is a customer focussed, high margin, low volume business. As applications increase it transits to be a commodity chemical – which business management is different to that of specialty chemicals. This article gives very useful tips on how to manage this commoditisation and the transition.

2. Instrumental Methods for estimation of sugars, HMF, furfural and levulinic acid formed during processing of lignocellulosic biomass…….
Sunil Joshi, Kiran V Pandare, CSIR-NCL, Pune
Producing chemicals from biomass or renewables is fast catching up. Processes of manufacture are getting commercialised. Analysis of some of the important platform chemicals produced in such processes is crucial for optimising yields of wanted products.This article details the instrumentation techniques to analyse sugars, furfural, HMF and other products produced in biomass processing.

3. A few latest introductions in Analytical Instrumentation (AI)…
Whether in Raman imaging, mass spectrometry or HPLC systems or in hybrid systems or take any area of AI, there are continuous developments and new Introductions taking place. Few such advances from leading manufacturers are described.

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