Chemical Industry Digest- June 16


Articles covered in this issue:

Sustainability & Responsible Care
Ravi Kapoor, Heubach Group of Companies
Various relevant ministries of the government and the Indian Chemical Council (ICC) have taken several initiatives such as Responsible Care, for instance, by ICC to ensure that these initiatives are encouraged and industry adopts them.

Zero-defect & Zero-effect: Crucial components of successful businesses
Dr Arup Basu, President – New Businesses & Innovation Centre, Tata Chemicals Ltd
Quality has become a holistic philosophy encompassing everything from resource efficiency to taking care of the environment to sustainability issues so as to ensure that quality products don’t have adverse ecological effects.

Valorization of exhaust CO2 to chemicals and fuels using bioconversions as core process
Deepak Pant, Linsey Garcia-Gonzalez, Heleen De Wever, Ludo Diels, VITO
A lot of R&D is going on worldwide on utilisation CO2 as a feedstock, which would also address the problem of global warming. One such case study on using CO2 via fermentation is covered.

Biorizon – The way to aromatics
Bio Joop Groen
Many household and other bio wastes can be converted into useful products – fuels, building blocks etc through bioprocesses. Biorizon is a consortium promoted Dutch project for this purpose, the details of which are outlined.

Opportunities for thermal waste treatment
Tobias Richards, University of Boras, Sweden
There are many wastes which are hard to treat, where what works is only thermal treatment. Developments with greater efficiencies in thermal treatment are covered.

Treatment of sewage water by using microalgae and membrane bioreactor
Gayatri S Gera, Swati N Yewalkar, Bhaskar Kulkarni, Sanjay Kamble
By employing microalgae and membrane bioreactor, cost effectiveness as well as other benefits are obtained in sewage and waste water treatment. Reviews all latest developments in this area including the work done at CSIR-NCL.

Systematic approach to process safety
Vijay Bhujle, GVS Cibatech Pvt Ltd
Article provides an overview of a step by step proactive approach to get to intrinsically safe operations – and the benefits it provides.

Hazard analysis and safety of pipes against internal gaseous explosions in industries – Part I
Dr (Ms) Manju Mittal, Fire Research Laboratory
Hazards in pipelines carrying flammable materials are analysed. Characteristics of explosions and practices to prevent such detonations are explained.

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