Chemical Industry Digest-Mar 15


Articles covered in this issue:

Heat/Mass Transfer in Chemical and Process Industry
Ashok Kumar Verma, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi
This article discusses the importance of heat and mass transfer in unit processes and separations and the role of simulation in process operations, troubleshooting, retrofitting, and process control.

Fluoropolymer coatings for high capital cost infrastructure
Ben Gillies, A&I Coatings
Fluoropolymer coatings are rapidly becoming the coating of choice, particularly for the chemical and process industries. This article discusses the pricing and performance of fluoropolymer coatings.

Cathodic Protection
S Raghava Chari, Industry Consultant
Surface coating supplemented by cathodic protection prevents the corrosion deterioration of buried carbon steel equipment e.g. pressure vessels, tanks etc. This article delves into the details of cathodic protection.

Reduce hazardous operations in the olefin plant operation by automation
Mangesh Gampawar, Christian Zieglar, Juergen Feigl, Linde Engineering
Effluent switching from the process side to the atmosphere and vice-versa is a regular operation in olefin plants. This paper describes a way to increase plant safety and reduce operational risks during changeover operation by increasing automation.

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