Chemical Industry Digest- September 2017


Articles covered in this issue:

Pumping Solids
-S L Abhyankar, Designer, Trainer, Consultant for Pumps, Valves, Pumping Systems
The author says that this is one of the most difficult exercises in pumping; the selection of the pumps and systems needs a good understanding of the solids and slurry to be pumped. The article provides important criteria to be considered.

Overview of Membrane Separations with insight on ceramic membranes
– Magan Khakharia, Microfilt India Pvt Ltd; Sachin Jadhav, Arvind Sikarwar, Bhaskar Thorat, ICT-Mumbai
The article provides a quick review of the developments in membrane separations, particularly on membrane materials with a brief on the latest introduction, ceramic membranes.

Centrifugal Pumps Characteristics Curves, System Resistance, Flow Problems and Solutions
-S Raghava Chari, Independent Consultant
While centrifugal pumps and systems are the workhorses of the industry, widely used, due to improper understanding of the problems that come up, many times expensive and ineffective solutions are proposed even by experienced engineers. The author proves this through many case studies and solutions

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