GH2 Solar Bags SECI Tender for Electrolyser Project

GH2 Solar Pvt Ltd bagged a competitive tender from the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to establish a 105 MW electrolyser manufacturing capacity. The project is set to be completed by 2030 and will be pivotal in achieving India’s target of producing 5 million metric tons of green hydrogen annually and expanding solar capacity to 280 GW.

GH2 Solar’s cutting-edge electrolyser technology is expected to drive the widespread use of green hydrogen, thereby reducing reliance on fossil fuels and combating climate change.

Anurag Jain, Director of GH2 Solar, mentioned that the company is committed to innovation and sustainability.

As reported by, Jain emphasized that the project will foster technological advancements, stimulate local economic growth, and contribute to the development of a skilled workforce in the renewable energy sector.