IESA to Release White Paper on Sustainable Future

The India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) is developing a white paper to address key policy and regulatory challenges in the sectors of electric vehicles (EVs), cleantech, green hydrogen, and battery storage.

According to IESA, the white paper, which focuses on a sustainable future including renewable energy, will be unveiled at the India Energy Storage Week (IESW) 2024, an international conference and expo scheduled to take place in New Delhi from July 1-5.

The industry body plans to propose actions necessary to position India as a global hub for cleantech. The white paper will be presented to at least seven central ministries and over 200 global energy leaders from more than 50 countries participating in the event.

Rahul Walawalkar, President, IESA and Customized Energy Solutions, India, stated, “As India begins its clean energy journey under the new regime, our white paper aims to suggest the urgent solutions needed to realize the vision of a green energy transition”.

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As reported by, IESW aims to facilitate effective communication between the industry and various government departments, fostering the advancement of the EV, cleantech, green hydrogen, and battery storage ecosystems in India.