Nandini Consultancy Centre Highlights Investment Potential in Ultrapure Chemicals for Electronics and Semiconductor Sector

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Nandini Consultancy Centre, a chemical engineering and business consultancy based in Chennai, launched an introductory report titled “Investment Opportunity in Ultrapure Chemicals Used in the Electronic/Semiconductor Industry”.

The report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the demand and technological aspects surrounding ultrapure chemicals, which are crucial for the electronic and semiconductor sectors due to their stringent specifications.

With the government taking proactive measures to promote the electronic and semiconductor industries, demand for ultrapure chemicals is expected to surge in the near future. Additionally, as global production of semiconductor and electronic products continues to rise, the export market for ultrapure chemicals presents an attractive opportunity.

India currently produces a variety of industrial chemicals that can be refined to ultrapure standards, positioning project promoters to meet the needs of the rapidly growing electronic and semiconductor sectors.

The report is based on extensive desk research, including seminar proceedings, research studies, annual company reports, and expert opinions.

The ultrapure chemicals highlighted in the report include:

  • Phosphoric acid
  • Sulphuric acid
  • Nitric acid
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Hydrofluoric acid
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Ammonium hydroxide
  • Phosphorus oxychloride
  • Ultrapure water

The report includes an overview of the semiconductor industry in India, profiles of major global ultrapure chemical producers, and details on installed capacities for selected chemicals.

Each ultrapure chemical is discussed in detail, covering product characteristics, specifications, applications, major producers, pricing, demand analysis, and technological processes.

As per the press release, the report serves as a valuable resource for project promoters and technologists, encouraging deeper exploration of investment opportunities in the ultrapure chemicals sector.