Saloma Yomdo Appointed Exploration and Development Director at Oil India

Saloma Yomdo took on the role of Director (exploration and development) at Oil India Limited (OIL).

Yomdo, an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) with a degree in petroleum engineering, previously served as Executive Director (exploration and development) at OIL, where he managed domestic and international exploration and development activities.

Yomdo has been instrumental in implementing various exploration, development, and reservoir management practices in OIL’s oil and gas fields. His initiatives have successfully addressed challenges and achieved significant advancements using tailored technology and geoscientific studies, thereby maintaining production levels and prolonging the operational life of oil and gas fields.

As reported by, Yomdo has presented and published numerous technical papers at both international and national forums. He is also an active member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and the Association of Petroleum Geologists (APG).