Government Introduces Anti-Dumping Duties on Chinese Imports to Support Local Industry

Government Introduces- Anti-Dumping- Duties- on Chinese -Imports -to Support- Local -Industry
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In a significant protective measure for domestic industries, government introduced anti-dumping duties on five Chinese imports, including glass mirrors and transparent cellophane film. The decision, announced by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), is part of a broader effort to strengthen local manufacturing against the influx of low-cost Chinese imports, which have been sold in India at prices that undercut domestic products.

The specific products now facing anti-dumping duties are iso-propyl alcohol, sulphur black, cellophane transparent film, thermoplastic polyurethane, and unframed glass mirrors.

The CBIC has set these duties to last five years, which should offer Indian producers a chance to stabilize their businesses and maintain market relevance.

The move addresses concerns over Chinese imports that potentially undermine local industries by selling at rates below production costs in India. By setting these duties, the government aims to support domestic manufacturers who face intense price competition from imported goods.

The decision reflects heightened vigilance within India regarding trade practices that could be viewed as harmful to the country’s economy. Investigations conducted before the announcement revealed that the products were being sold in India at prices well below their value in China, pointing to possible dumping practices.

Anti-dumping duties are designed to give local manufacturers a much-needed competitive edge, safeguarding employment and economic stability in various sectors. The five-year term for these duties is expected to allow Indian companies to optimize their production, pricing, and consumer reach.

Industry experts believe that such measures are vital for building a strong manufacturing base in India, aligning with the government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative to promote domestic production and reduce import reliance.

The decision also aligns with a larger global trend, where countries increasingly resort to anti-dumping regulations to shield their industries from aggressive pricing by foreign suppliers.

As reported by, government introduces anti-dumping duties that highlight India’s dedication to fair trade practices and supporting local industry. As India continues to refine its economic policies, these measures are seen as proactive steps to create a balanced and equitable trade environment.