IESA and BCKIC Sign MoU for Energy Innovation

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The India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) and the Bhubaneswar City Knowledge Innovation Cluster (BCKIC) Foundation in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at fostering knowledge sharing and promoting innovation in cleantech, critical minerals, and energy sectors throughout India. The primary aim of the partnership is to establish a collaborative environment for science and technology.

This entails increasing interaction among industry experts from both organizations, as well as with external stakeholders such as research institutions, universities, philanthropic organizations, and the public. Furthermore, the collaboration aims to enhance regional impact and improve both national and global competitiveness by promoting the development of new cleantech research facilities and infrastructure.

The collaborators have also pledged to work together on critical minerals for energy, energy transition, and green hydrogen sectors to support start-ups and innovations in these areas in the future. Additionally, both entities will engage with international counterparts in the USA, the UK, and the EU to spearhead technology partnerships and facilitate the licensing and transfer of cutting-edge energy solutions.

The areas of collaboration between IESA and BCKIC include establishing a collaborative science and technology environment, bolstering regional impact, and fostering competitiveness on both national and global scales. Within this partnership, the two organizations will collaborate on identifying areas for joint research, particularly in energy and related fields, with a focus on developing and deploying commercial products and technologies.

As reported by RenewableWatch, IESA and BCKIC will forge strategic alliances with cleantech and energy storage companies, research institutions, and educational institutions worldwide. They will advocate for and provide training in science-centered entrepreneurship and facilitate short-term exchange initiatives between industry and academia.