Mechanical separation processes in the chemical industry – Filtration is the key to safe production and efficient processes



Filtration and separation are indispensable processes not only in the production of chemicals, but in all areas of the process industry. This is because mechanical separation processes are not only used for the production of pure chemicals. They can also improve process safety and increase material efficiency. The latest developments in separation technology will be showcased again by international exhibitors and lectures at FILTECH in February 2023. As the most important platform for filtration and separation of all types of media, the event invites visitors to Germany for a combination of trade fair and congress.

All over the world, the chemical industry is characterized by the quest for safe processes and high-quality products. The bar is being raised ever higher, because not only limit values, standards, and laws, but also customer requirements are becoming stricter. And finally, measurement methods for detecting undesirable components are also becoming increasingly better.

Expertise in filtration and separation

FILTECH therefore provides both technical know-how and industry-related expertise: The world’s most important platform for the filtration and separation of all types of media will take place again next year. From February 14 to 16, 2023, visitors to the exhibition center in Cologne (Germany) will get answers to all questions about the filtration and separation of all kinds of media.

Due to the dynamic development of the Corona pandemic, the long-standing successful combination of trade show and congress has already expanded its website at the beginning of 2021 to include a detailed information area that presents solutions online to interested parties for their challenges in filtration. In March 2022, however, the organizer, numerous exhibitors, speakers, and 14,750 visitors already demonstrated that it is once again possible to safely hold focused trade shows.

Safe primary processes, efficient secondary processes

At the same time, the range of exhibitors and participants in the conference section proves the cross-sectional nature of the topic: Filter technology is the key to efficiency and safety not only in the primary processes of chemistry and life sciences, pharmaceutical production, and the food and beverage industry, but also in secondary areas. Thus, visitors to FILTECH will also receive information about materials and consumables that are essential for the operation of filtration systems.

Finally, the FILTECH topic of ventilation and air purification technology is also highly relevant, because clean air can be an effective measure for reducing the risk of infection by aerosol-borne viruses in all areas of companies. The event brings together numerous suppliers of ventilation and filtration technology who support plant operators with efficient solutions for production and all other operational areas.

Focus on India in exhibitors and lectures

Visitors from India will also have the opportunity to network with companies from their home country at FILTECH: According to the current status, the organizer reports 16 exhibitors from India. Among them is a2z Filtration Specialities, a company that continues to develop new products for the filtration market as a supplier of special purpose filter manufacturing and testing equipment.These include among others completely automated HEPA mini pleat lines, which come with the option of rotary orblade pleaters and foamed or solid hot melt glue, including converting rolls of Glass fiber and synthetic media into mini pleat packs, automatically cut to the required size or pleat count, then conveyed to an intelligent servo filter framing system.

Other representatives from India include nonwoven manufacturers such as AIM Nonwovens and Interiors, PARK INDUSTRIES, WELSPUN GLOBAL and AUTOTECH Nonwovens. Suppliers of woven filter fabrics will also be exhibiting: for example, Arvind, SHRINATH ADHESIVE PRODUCTS and KHOSLA PROFIL, which also offer needle felts and sewing threads. SACHIN INDUSTRIES, a leading manufacturers of filter plates, filter presses and membrane filter presses, will be present.

HYDRO PRESS INDUSTRIES produces high performance filter presses that can increase production capacity and significantly reduce wax cake moisture. Eco Green Clean tech, KALIMATI CARBON and ECO FRESH CARBON offer activated carbon, which serves for special filtration applications where the purity of the filtrate plays a special role.

From clean drinking water and ultra-filtration to filtering exhaust gases from diesel vehicles and auto rickshaws, several presentations in the FILTECH congress area also provide insights into scientific and technical developments by Indian institutes and companies. Contributions will come from representatives of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, the PSG College of Technology and companies such as Technorbital Advanced Materials and Varroc Polymers.

Whether air purification or filtration processes in chemical production: The fact that the demand for new products and services remains high is also demonstrated by the large number of exhibitors. As things stand, the organizer is already expecting over 440 companies at FILTECH 2023 – more than ever before.

Personal exchange at the heart of the congress

Especially on the congress area of FILTECH visitors traditionally have the opportunity not only to experience current products and services live but also to find out about trends in research and development in the congress area. The FILTECH Scientific Advisory Board, chaired by Dr. Harald Anlauf (KIT) and Prof. Eberhard Schmidt (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), guarantees the high quality of all presentations: Experts from international universities, research institutions and companies review the submitted contribution proposals and compile a program that guarantees valuable information from all areas of the industry. The organizer expects more than 200 presentations at FILTECH 2023.

The congress at the event is divided into units covering all relevant topics. Seven thematic areas will be in focus:

  • Solid-liquid separation
  • Solid-Gas Separation
  • Filter media
  • Testing, instrumentation, and control
  • Simulation and modeling
  • product related processes
  • Membrane processes

In addition, the congress at FILTECH 2023 will be dedicated to current industry trends such as selective separation, micro process technology, and nanofluidics, mist and droplet separation as well as biological exhaust gas cleaning with biofilters. On February 13, 2023, already one day before the opening of the exhibition area, two focused one-day courses will be held, which will also specifically address engineers, scientists, managers, and other technical personnel who need applied knowledge on topics related to solid-liquid separation and fine particle separation.

Filtration processes for quality and reliability

In production, what counts above all is the quality, safety, and efficiency of the processes. But the safety of employees, the environment, and equipment must also be guaranteed at all times. Filter solutions specifically designed for the harsh environments of processing support operators in all these challenges. They increase the service life of the plant and equipment, ensuring high performance.

At FILTECH, processing companies will find the right products and services for this purpose and can exchange information with experts on current trends. For successful planning of the visit, interested parties can find a list of exhibitors, an overview of focus topics and industries as well as the extensive conference program at

FILTECH 2023 – the facts

  • Venue: Cologne Exhibition Center (Germany), Halls 7 and 8
  • Event date: Tuesday, February14 to Thursday, February 16, 2023
  • Exhibition frequency: every 1.5 years
  • Opening hours:
    February 14: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    February 15: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    February 16: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Further information:


Expert knowledge and personal exchange: at FILTECH, visitors can find out about the latest trends in research and development and experience a wide range of products and services.

Source: FILTECH Exhibitions Germany