SJVN Green and Ocean Sun Partner to Pioneer Green and Clean Energy Technology

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SJVN Green Energy Limited (SGEL), a wholly owned subsidiary of SJVN Limited, signed an agreement with Ocean Sun, a Norway based company, with the primary focus on advancing innovative technologies in the green and clean energy sector. The collaborative effort, carried out under the India-Norway task force for energy, represents a significant milestone in the domain of clean energy cooperation.

The main objective of the agreement is to promote sustainable energy solutions, with a key initiative being SGEL’s commitment to initiate and fund a pilot membrane-based floating solar project with a capacity of around two MW. The project will be implemented in India, leveraging the abundant renewable energy potential in the country. M/s Ocean Sun will provide their patented technological support and expertise in this innovative field.

The collaboration signifies a significant step in the transfer of technology and cooperation between India and Norway in the realm of clean and green energy solutions. As the pilot project demonstrates its feasibility and success, both parties express their ambitions to expand this pioneering technology along the extensive coastline of southern India. As reported by Free Press Journal, the collaboration has the potential to usher in a profound transformation in the energy landscape, promising not only the advancement of cutting-edge technology, but also the widespread adoption of clean energy alternatives.

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