Waters Corporation Included in Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the Third Consecutive Year

Waters Corporation has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index (DJSI North America) for the third consecutive year, based on the strength of its enterprise-wide ESG practices. The DJSI is informed by the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices.

“We are honoured that Waters has once again been named to the DJSI and for being recognized for the active commitment we demonstrate to leave the world better than we found it,” said Dr. Udit Batra, President and CEO, Waters Corporation. Dr. Batra added, “Waters is making measurable progress towards reducing emissions, increasing renewable energy, and aligning with recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). I am perhaps most proud of our innovative Waters Student Academy STEM education programming for historically underrepresented students, which directly impacts cultivating more diverse representation in science-related professions”.

Inclusion in the DJSI places Waters among the top publicly traded companies in North America that lead the field in sustainability. It is based on completion of an annual evaluation of sustainability practices via the S&P Global CSA, that covers over 13,000 companies from around the world that are assessed on sustainability criteria that are both industry-specific and financially material. The press release stated that Waters received a score of ‘very high’ and beat the industry averages in all three categories of: Environmental, Social, and Governance and Economic.