Elements Matter

This is a new and unique feature on Elements which is now being regularly published every month. Behind every element are stories from how it was discovered, the scientists behind the element to the stories on its amazing developments and applications. This feature will bring you very interesting and not widely known nuggets behind every element.

Iron – A workhorse of an element

From playing the role of a vital building block of steel to helping produce chlorophyll in plants and in carrying oxygen in the blood...

Chlorine – Toxic, but surprisingly useful

Chlorine, the second lightest of the halogens is more closely linked to our everyday lives than most people think. It does more than just...

Phosphorus – Critically life-essential, alarmingly poisonous

Aspooky element. That’s what phosphorus, the fifteenth element of the periodic table, is for many. In the early days after its discovery, some even...

Copper – The Element We can Count on

From being the first metal to be manipulated by humans to becoming an important metal in the industry today, copper has proved to be...



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