Johnson Matthey and Plug Power to Concentrate on Electrolyzer Technology

Johnson Matthey and Plug Power have decided to come together to develop a roadmap to accelerate the development of high performance electrolyzer technology with improved durability, increased performance, and greater energy efficiency. The brands will focus on the development, validation and incorporation of Johnson Matthey’s materials in Plug Power’s electrolyzer systems. Together they will also investigate the development of a closed loop recycling system for the critical platinum group metals (pgm) used as catalysts in these systems. “Our CCMs draw on innovations in catalyst, membrane and additive development built over many years, and which are the foundation of our green Hydrogen business today,” says Eugene McKenna, managing director, green hydrogen, Johnson Matthey. “Equally important is to enable a sustainable energy transition, which is why we will continue to drive the creation of closed loop recycling systems within the supply chain, to recover and reuse as much critical pgm material as possible. Plug Power has an innovative electrolyser technology and their knowledge and market position make them an ideal partner,” Eugene further mentions.

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