FutureCoal Optimistic about Sustainable Future for Coal in India

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FutureCoal, in a positive outlook, asserted that the future of coal in India holds promise, backed by available technologies facilitating the extraction, utilization, and combustion of coal more sustainably. Despite coal’s notorious reputation as a major contributor to climate change, FutureCoal believes that innovative technologies can significantly enhance the sustainability of coal-related processes.

According to Sunil Chaturvedi, a board member of FutureCoal, technologies are at the forefront that can enable India to extract, use, and combust coal more sustainably. Chaturvedi highlighted that post-combustion treatment could reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 99%, offering a substantial improvement in environmental impact.

FutureCoal Global Alliance, representing the entire value chain, is dedicated to raising awareness about the contributions of fossil fuels. Chaturvedi noted that 70% of electricity generation in India comes from coal, and advancements in technologies, such as supercritical and ultrasupercritical technologies over the past 15 years, have improved the efficiency of coal combustion.

Chaturvedi emphasized that while India has made significant strides in using coal more efficiently, advancements are still ongoing, indicating a positive trajectory for the future of coal. He projected that by 2030, even as the share of thermal power is expected to decrease, India will still require 1.5 billion tonnes of coal, necessitating an increase in domestic coal production.

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FutureCoal Chief Executive Michelle Manook echoed this optimism, describing the future of coal in India as exciting. She emphasized the interconnected global supply chain and highlighted the significant contributions made by the coal value chain across various sectors, including power, steel, cement, aluminum, chemicals, and renewable infrastructure.